Friday, August 20, 2010

Glue Gun Burns and Such

I've been at it again, trying to compete with Martha Junior.  Only this time, it's not Martha Junior but someone else who wants to be like Martha Junior just as bad as I do and is succeeding in ways I can only dream about.  I found this gal just by happenstance; well, actually cruising through Martha Juniors site, but who's asking anyway?  I can admit that I "cruise" through MJ's site without feeling inadequate and a complete failure...after my regimen of prescribed drugs.  But back to the story. I find this other person's crafty, craft site and think "Hey I can do that!"  And so I've set off a chain of events that is sure to lead me to some catastrophe, which the title clearly indicates.  It's a wreath of all things, I've decided to tackle.  And not any wreath this lady proclaims but one that is both easy and affordable as everything is had and begotten at the Dollar Store!  Detour here please.

The Dollar Store!  My friends, it's BETTER than Goodwill, and you all remember my success at that place!  But instead, everything is a Dollar!  Tax of course is added on but it's a dollar nonetheless.  I'm sure you've frequented one on occasion, as had I.  Now however, it's like a regular pilgrimage.  From cheap dish sponges, to those little "brush your teeth on the go" brushes to a whole plethora of junk toys, my Dollar Store has it all!  And it's clean to boot, so what's not to love?  And if this other Martha Junior want-a-be says to go there for my craft supplies, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Back to the plan. The wreath is made from a Dollar Store book or two (title unimportant, thanks be, as have you SEEN the books they offer?), a foam wreath and, wait for it.  Your trusty glue gun.  If you remember I couldn't find that blasted gun to save my life while making the now infamous faux fireflies.  I looked high and low at the time and ended up using a Billy Mays (God rest his soul) knock off.  (Which by the way is still working.  Will wonders never cease?)  But alas, I found the glue gun in my very disorganized craft closet, which is disorganized because I can't seem to get it together to get IT together!  *sigh!  Anyway, the idea is to use these folded pages from the book to form a beautiful wreath that would be worthy to hang in your home.  I'm excited about the prospect and even more so since the all the items, save for the glue gun, are found at the Dollar Store.  Off I go!  And success!  I end up paying the required Dollar.  Granted, I bought 6 wreath forms, two books, sponges, a timer, purse sanitizer spray, marbles, tuna snack packs (???), and a bunch of other stuff I've lost track of but the total came to $38.  I'm not stressed as of course, all those items were absolutely needed.

Back at home I start the task of prepping the books by inking the edges.  I happened to already have the proper ink for this and created edges that looked old and worn, though not ripped.  No ripping allowed.  After the inking, I began tearing pages out of the book.  I feel no remorse whatsoever about this and found it kind of cathartic actually.  Heated up my gun and started rolling pages and gluing them to the form.  1/3 of the way through and I realized I needed a better glue gun as the mini one I had was eating through my small supply of mini glue sticks.  So of course, I'm off to pick up a new gun.  What Joy!  I find one with duel temperatures that has the ability to go with-out it's power cord for a whole 5 minutes, I'm sold!  Back home, I successfully complete the wreath, but only after several burns that have now blistered.  I commandeered my Better Half to take this shot as it's of my "choice" finger of the left hand.  I'm including the picture here because frankly, it's just exactly how my luck goes with these projects; one burned something or other at a time.  It's a real Calamity.

P.S. The wreath looks great though, so I've got that going for me.

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